Le Shipchandler du Port Franc

Tel: +(590) 590 278629

[email protected]


Quai de la République
Saint Barthélemy

More about us...

This chandlery located across the Quai d’Honneur above the Repaire des Boucaniers restaurant is very popular among Superyacht crew. Here, they can find a good range of Superyacht oriented maintenance and chandlery equipment, cleaning materials, paint / varnish, fuel / oil filters, running rigging, hardware tools, batteries, electrical spares, pumps and spares, books and charts… They also have some stylish nautical inspired gifts including old brass clocks, barometers… and an excellent choice of snorkeling / dive equipment, fishing gear, watersports kit and more. They are open Monday to Saturday from 0730-1200 and 1400-1630. They only open in the morning on Wednesday (until noon) and Saturday (until 1230hrs). Tel: +(590) 590 278629 

[email protected]    www.ccpf.net


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