
As the eastern most of the Balear islands, Menorca is also the most remote and the quietest. The island has opted from early days to direct its infrastructure towards tourism of quality rather then quantity; this translates today, for the cruising yachtsmen, into a wilder more attractive coastline as well as harbours that have retained a large part of their historical character. Cruising yachts will find only a few marinas outside of Mahon, but a multitude of calas, coves and bays offer ample shelter in unspoilt surroundings. Despite the lack of quayside berths available, the old capital of Ciutadella should not be missed. Curiously, Menorca’s history has followed a completely different track to that of neighbouring Mallorca. The Moor’s domination lasted longer here, the Turks occupied some of the island, the Jewish community was important and the British took possession throughout the18th Century. All these factors combine today to give a very distinctive cultural aura to this beautiful island.


Yacht Insider’s Guide Is Going Digital Only
June 19, 2022

We know, we know…   You loved our yearly printed guides, filled with updated info about your favorite cruising destinations and gorgeous photos from professional photographers.   They were flying off the shelves in marinas, boatyards and marine outlets, all over the harbors we covered.  Many of you were even collecting them, summer after summer.  And it is true that, since the launch of the Yacht Insider’s Guide publication in 2009, whether it was for the French Med, the Balearics Islands or New England, the focus has been on our printed guides.