Riviera Yachting Network
Tel: +33 (0)494 242 193 Fax: +33 (0)494 934 575 Tel: +33(0)4 93 61 35 17 (Antibes) [email protected] [email protected] www.rynetwork.com
More about us...
Very active marine trade association created in 2000, promoting the know-how and complementary skills of a network of yachting related companies. Regroups a growing number of services including high profile shipyards, diverse services and suppliers. Most of these services are highly acclaimed by captains and crew who have been using them. Present at the arrival of unloaded yachts from Dockwise Yacht Transport to greet captains and crew, giving them a very instructive file with useful contacts and information about the region. Tel: +33 (0)494 242 193 Fax: +33 (0)494 934 575 Tel: +33(0)4 93 61 35 17 (Antibes) [email protected] [email protected] www.rynetwork.com